Debs at Forthay Granola is Guest Speaker at the The Nelson Trust Charity & Women in Leadership Event

I was incredibly flattered to be asked to be the guest speaker at the Women in Leadership Business Growth Seminar at Gloucester University in November. I shared with attendees the Forthay Granola Story from start up to present day. The event was superbly organised by Andy Jarrett, from the Nelson Trust Charity, a local charity based in Stroud, who do incredible work and make real the belief that change is possible for lives affected by substance abuse and multiple disadvantages.

The evening was a total joy and pleasure to be apart of. I was joined by fellow guest speaker and business owner, Deborah Flint of Cinderhill Hill Farm, who shared some amazing experiences and create the most delicious sausage rolls.

If you would like to find out more about The Nelson Trust and the amazing work they do or attend any of their fabulous fundraising events please visit